
Frontline 19 Sicker Than the Patients

When the world reopened after the Covid pandemic I bumped into a friend of mine who works as a death doula. She asked how I was and I replied that I was feeling quite low. Her response stayed with me; "the world just lost six million people to a virus, you can’t move on from that and pretend everything is okay – even if you weren’t directly affected, we will all be experiencing post-traumatic stress in one way or another." With that in mind it’s incomprehensible to imagine the mental state of NHS workers who, just two years ago, were on the Covid frontline and witnessed those losses first hand. As with adam&eveDDB’s first film for Frontline 19, back in 2021, this difficult subject has been handled delicately, whilst really packing a punch and driving the message home. Cleverly directed, using CCTV-style footage and body cameras, truly bringing the audience closer to troubles and trials of the workers’ state of minds. Outstanding work that I’m hoping will be globally recognised.

Frontline19 – Sicker Than The Patients

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Uber Eats Best Friends

Good insight, great script, incredible cast. This is an advert that reminds you that ads can be beautifully simple. As simple as two men who love the same simple things. Uber's double offering is effortlessly supportive of this unlikely bromance, and the brand can bask in the Richard Curtis-esque charm. Wonderful. The comments on YouTube are enough to restore your faith in advertising. To quote @zehraodunay9833; "Honestly. Well done Uber. This ad is a triumph. The duo we never knew we needed."

Uber Eats – Best Friends

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PETA Pig Farm

I’ve watched this an inappropriate amount of times considering its grotesque subject, but it’s just a brilliant piece of film. Completely stand out from start to finish. Also lovely to see Jeff Low delve into animation. I doubt it was the most generous of budgets, but you certainly can’t tell that from the end result. Au revoir bacon sarnie.

PETA – This Cartoon Will Change How You See Bacon Forever

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Apple Fuzzy Feelings

A commercial with a story that makes me feel something? Featuring characters I can connect with? And a George Harrison track? Yes please. Plus fuzzy felt? Where do I sign?  This is such a beautifully crafted and layered film. The way the narrative pivots from humour to empathy is gripping, heartfelt and subtle. Is that some fuzzy felt in my eye?

Apple – Fuzzy Feelings

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EE Freedom

The eternal truth is, when great observational filmmaking meets a big track, we're all swept along. The texture of UK teenage-hood is brilliantly captured. Scenes we've all experienced are built up; the fun, the fear, the heartbreak. It all comes back with a jolt. You never question the reality. Beautiful. This might be a different world to the one I grew up in but the feelings of going through it haven't changed. And, hold on, no one mentions handsets, connectivity or a network once! Funnily enough, my takeaway is the same as the PETA ad – I'll miss Bacon, but it’s time to move on. Sorry Kevin.

EE – EE Learn

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