
BETTER Climate Store – Greenwash

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This wryly witty campaign created by Spacecraft Earth and directed by Logan Fields, through Blank Square, promotes a soap sold exclusively via the new planet-positive online portal, BETTER Climate Store. 

Ethically recycling tropes from vintage soap ads – a comely yoga-posing, eco-house dwelling maiden takes a sensual shower – the smart script describes a soap formulated to cleanse the body and conscience at the same time; its unique formula developed to purge away the shame of our inability to act on the climate crisis.

Offering a nourishing blend of eucalyptus and mint hydrating oils – plus the refreshing fragrance of irony – the product is actually a soap of hope. All proceeds from the Climate Store’s sales go to the BETTER Climate Fund, an endowment financing climate mitigation projects.

The droll PR for the launch quotes one satisfied customer: “'Climate change gives me anxiety. I compulsively shop online to self-soothe, then feel terrible for all the poorly sourced stuff I bought, not to mention the carbon emissions from the production and shipping process. I really spiral when I think about the role consumerism plays in the destruction of the planet. But Greenwash almost makes me feel better,' says Ashley, a fictional, archetypical consumer."
