
Two years ago Electric Theatre Collective hit the UK creative landscape with a brave new venture and Electric Studios was born. 

A full-service, design-led creative production studio, formed to take the world by storm. Now, after two years of growth Electric Studios is entering its newest most exciting chapter. 

So far Electric Studios have worked with the biggest and most notable brands in the world, and their ever-growing team of talented artists and designers are working on creating more incredible projects and campaigns. With this step forward into the next stage of their evolution they see it only fitting that they appointed Studios Co-founder, Ben Honour as MD of Electric Studios.

Honour has been involved with Electric Studios since its conception; a driving force in forging creativity and culture for the past two years, seeing it go from strength to strength. With the recent investment in Electric Theatre Collective and the subsequent growth of the business, Honour’s post at the helm of Electric Studios will mean incredibly exciting things for the years ahead.

Jon Purton, CEO at Electric Theatre Collective, said: "I have Barney Richard to thank for making the introduction. Ben came into ETC way back when Electric Studios was a mere genesis of an idea. Straight away, I knew he needed to be involved. What I didn’t quite appreciate at that stage, was how tuned into the opportunity Ben was. He stepped in as a driving force alongside Geoff Parsons from day one. Ben has a knack of never losing his cool. His style instantly warms people to him and his experience within Agencies & Production companies provides a daily source of wisdom that we draw down on. Some promotions are just easy and obvious. So obvious that I actually forgot that Ben wasn’t already the MD. Sorry Ben. This is a really exciting time for Electric as a whole and Electric Studios is flying."

Geoff Parsons, Head of Creative at Electric Studios adds: "Sometimes you’re fortunate enough to meet a person who you instantly click with both professionally and personally... and as luck would have it, Ben is that guy. Over the last two years we’ve been in each other’s pockets pretty much 24/7, forging a creative space at Electric Studios that we’re incredibly proud of. I can safely say it wouldn’t have been possible without Ben’s calmness, warmth and unrelenting drive for excellence. He’s the rare breed of creative facilitator who really gets the whole process from start to finish and if ever a promotion is richly deserved it’s this one."
