
Ambrosia – Moley

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For the dessert manufacturer’s first new commercial in four years, McCann London has collaborated with Blinkink directors Jonny & Will to unearth a magnificent custard-seeking mole.

Eschewing his normal chewy foodstuffs – earthworms and slugs – Moley, created by the renowned John Nolan Studio, emerges from the soil of a sunny Devonian pastural scene to catch hold of a passing balloon and embark on an airborne adventure. 

Set to All I Have to Do is Dream, by the Everly Brothers, it’s a rather trippy aerial trip that sees him pick a raspberry and then sniff out a fly-by picnic where he manages to intercept a stream of Ambrosia, mid-pour, and coat his berry in said dairy-based creamy topping. 

“What else but a little woodland creature floating through the air to give the nation some Devon-y custard-y feels. We have never needed the reassuring comfort of Ambrosia more than we do right now,” said Ray Shaughnessy , ECD, McCann London.
