
Publicis Group’s Team One has launched a new campaign, but this time it’s not for a brand but for a US political party.

The Whatever Party is a new party that aims to represent the largest and most influential voting-block in American politics; the more than 40% of eligible voters in America who impact the outcome on Election Day simply by not casting a ballot.

Above: Some of The Whatever Party's 'merch' which, when you click on, tells you they haven't yet been bothered to make.


Represented by the symbol of an ostrich burying its head in the sand, The Whatever Party provides vital online tools, shareable social content, broadcast spots and collectable campaign collateral via, in the run-up to US Election Day on Tuesday November 6.

Moving the focus from the battle of left against right, The Whatever Party refocuses the attention on the battle between the motivated and the unengaged. While the latter group has always existed, The Whatever Party is the first time in history reluctant voters have been given their own party.

Viewers are directed to visit to read the “meh-nifesto” and take a quiz to rate their ambivalence.

A series of broadcast commercials for The Whatever Party are appearing across digital and in select markets. Mimicking other political parties, the spots will feature patriotic imagery, anthemic music, inspirational language and soaring themes. You can also keep tabs on the party via their Instagram, Facebook and Twitter feeds.

Viewers are directed to visit to read the “meh-nifesto” and take a quiz to rate their ambivalence, but also to register to vote via The campaign is a clever attempt at reverse psychology and attempts to woo prospective voters with information on some of the country's most contentious issues while also feigning disinterest towards everything.

Above: One of the issues The Whatever Party is "currently ignoring".


Of course, The Whatever Party does not actually exist, and the goal for Team One is to keep it that way. It is a non-partisan effort by the agency to increase voter participation in the United States across the board. Launched in time for the 2018 midterm elections, the party message reflects a fundamental issue, in that apathy is consistently the most powerful force in politics, affecting every election.


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