
Three – Three: Go Roam

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Roaming data turns a giraffe into a gimingo (giraffe-flamingo) in a short but very sweet spot from Wieden+Kennedy London.

Directed by The Perlorian Brothers of MJZ, and with VFX by The MillGo Roam asks what you would rather be like; a baby giraffe, tottering around ungainly due to your lacklustre data package, or a glorious gimingo/flamaffe (or as W+K are calling it, a 'giraffe-amingo'), soaring (or should that be roaming) with a 4G connection?

"Our “giraffe-amingo” embodies the sense of freedom and confidence that our customers feel when they roam abroad at no extra cost" said Three brand and communications director Lianne Norry.

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