
Tomorrow marks International Women’s Day, which is why Droga5 has responded to the fact that 130 million girls worldwide do not currently receive a formal education and released its #GirlsCount campaign.

To raise awareness of the initiative, the agency has partnered with Bono’s ONE organisation to encourage you to get involved and help count each girl out loud.

You can join the count here. Just pick a number, submit your details and share a piece of recorded content in which you reveal your number – get as creative as you like.

As it stands, governing bodies around the world are all that stands in the way of these women progressing – so the campaign hopes to reverse this by putting pressure on international leaders and make them take action to ensure all women gain access to the schooling they deserve.



Droga5 hopes to create the world’s longest video, comprised of over 130 million clips which they reckon will take over eight years to watch.

Various stars – like Malala Yousafzai, supermodel Gisele Bündchen and C4 presenter Cathy Newman – have lent their support to the campaign and filmed themselves counting.

So start celebrating now and start counting aloud. For more information, click here. 

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