
Most of us drink cow’s milk, but if you’re looking for alternatives, try out goat’s or sheep’s milk. Or if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, why not yak, water buffalo, horse, reindeer or camel milk…? But obviously these options are much less popular.

But have you ever tried dog’s milk…?

In a shocking new spot from Don’t Panic for animal rights organisation PETA, Londoners have their tolerance tested for mock brand, Barker’s Farmhouse Milk.

In the spot helmed by Errol Ettienne, various candidates are plied with samples of the new milk brand, first in a focus group session and then to passer-by on the street.

Only then are the participants told that the milk was actually pumped from a dog in order to gage their reaction. When in reality, it was actually soya milk.



As expected, many people were horrified and disgusted that an organisation would even promote such a product – and this reaction resonates completely with PETA’s ethos; promoting the wellbeing of animals and revealing the true health implications of drinking animal milk.

“Whether from a dog, a pig, a rat or a cow, the thought of drinking another species' milk should turn anyone's stomach"," says PETA director Elisa Allen. "PETA's prank video reminds consumers that when it comes to milk, plant-based is best."

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