
Binge watchers, listen up!

If you’re hooked on a series (or three) and have sworn to your other half that you’ll work your way through it together buuuut you can’t resist sneaking in a few extra episodes while they’re out – then Grey London’s latest initiative, the SmartMat, is for you.

The Bluetooth-enabled doormat created for Vodafone Ireland allows you to work through episodes guilt-free, knowing your partner won’t walk in mid-binge and catch you doing the dirty deed.



So, how does it work?

The mat sits by the front door with a fitted accelerometer motion sensor that detects when someone arrives home. This will send a signal to your mobile and to your TV, which will automatically switch to a pre-set safe channel – could be the news or football… just make sure it’s believable. 

Check Vodafone's Twitter channel for more information about the initiaitive.

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