
With every day that passes, it’s no secret that some Americans and many citizens around the world are become increasingly worried that Donald Trump could win the November presidential election and end up governing the USA.

While for some, it seems a very scary reality, for others it’s a call for action.

In a campaign launched today by short-form digital production company Save The Day, writer/filmmaker Joss Whedon (famed for Buffy the Vampire Slayer series and The Avengers movies) has got 27 of his celebrity friends together to share an Important message and encourage voters to vote against Trump.

The star studded round-up includes Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Julianne Moore, James Franco, Martin Sheen… and many others. As well as Mark Ruffalo, who kind of promises to do the full Monty in his next on-screen performance if voters listen to their message.



While the video doesn’t actually mention the presidential candidates by name, it’s very clear who the stars are all talking about.

Important is the first spot in the campaign’s series, but eleven more videos will soon be released on Save The Day’s website about the importance of voting, so keep your eyes peeled for more fun tongue-in-cheek work.

It’s not the first time that Whedon has waded into American politics. In 2012, he shared his views on Republican candidate Mitt Romney one week before the election, comparing him to a zombie and predicting an apocalypse would take over if he assumed presidency (below). Perhaps this campaign will be as effective as his last attempt.


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