
Choosing a career as an editor generally means hours closeted away in dark suites, but self-confessed 'country boy in a big city', Ben Jordan of Work Editorial New York, still finds time to tend to his tomatoes and appreciate a spectacular NY sunset. 


07.45: Good rising Kings & Queens! Cats have some in-built timer; these fur balls are always on time for breakfast. And it's a breakfast of champions - chicken and liver. Just time to water my tomatoes in this fierce New York heatwave. Country boy in the big city. 


09.00: And I’m off! London Underground is but a distant memory now. Brooklyn to Manhattan on the bike is a joy to commute in the summer…. The Williamsburg Bridge is a great way to skip all the palaver of the L train, plus it wakes me up in the morning.


09.30: Pull up at the office and I’m convinced David Copperfield is playing in, wait, it's Neil Diamond. I love that our company is full of vinyl junkies, music being an underlying driver in everything I do. Nothing like the familiar sound of crackle and pop throughout the day. 


09.45: Faced with this regular morning question. A good find by Rich Orrick.


10.40: Director Miles Jay at Smuggler arrives fresh from Paris, ready to watch my first assemble of our new project. Feels like we've grown together - both transplants from other places throwing ourselves into new challenges in New York. ”Oooohh baby, let's watch this thing,” he says, grinning. I hate having to press play for the first time on my edit. Without fail, every job, I’m a bag of nerves when I hit that space bar...


13.30: Miles and I order from our favourite cafe on Howard Street in Manhattan, Smile to Go. This edit is powered by plants.



14.00: FFS...not this poxy thing again!


15.00: You'd think it'd be a breeze using the best takes from John Malkovich. Just one problem, every one is Oscar-worthy. 


20.00: Back to Brooklyn. On my roof just in time for my favorite show to start. Four years since I've moved here, feels like both a lifetime and only yesterday. But this NY skyline will never get old. Today was a good day. Same time tomorrow.


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