
What’s the best ad campaign you’ve seen recently?

Whatever Juergen Teller shoots for Celine.


Image result for Juergen Teller shoots for Celine


What website(s) do you use most regularly and why?

The only websites I go to regularly are The Guardian and El Pais. I think it’s really important to have a news source or two from outside the States.


What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought and why?

I don’t own any especially interesting technology. I just bought a new laptop and I like my phone.


Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?



What’s your favourite app on your phone and why?

Windguru; because it’s the most accurate weather app out there.


Image result for Windguru app


What’s your favourite TV show and why?

I love The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth. It’s a half-hour documentary series that takes you behind the scenes of this presidential election. It is funny and scary…. but mostly scary.


Image result for The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth


What film do you think everyone should have seen?

I just saw Weiner, the documentary about Anthony Weiner’s mayoral run. It was great.


Image result for weiner film poster


Where were you when inspiration last struck?

At the gate in Heathrow airport.


What’s the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it?

I’ve watched production schedules, from brief to delivery, shrink dramatically over the years.


If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

I would like it if production schedules, from brief to delivery, would stop shrinking dramatically.


What or who has most influenced your career and why?

When I worked in Amsterdam, I worked closely with two creatives, Carlo Cavallone and Paulo Martins. Their talent, the way they went about creating and the combination of their two personalities had a profound effect on how I approach my work.


Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

I am a twin.

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