
Filmmaker Jason Goldwatch, co-founder of New York-based creative production company Decon, takes a novel approach to documenting a typical day in the Big Apple by offering a peek into his mobile phone.

"While thinking about how to do an interesting day in the life without seeming fucking lame, I picked up my phone and started doing the finger thing on my black electric screen and it struck me: MY PHONE. It’s the most intimate slice of life I could possibly share. It’s the modern looking glass to see inside the phone of someone else," he explains. "So, as I went through to my day, I grabbed things both with and from my phone. A real slice of Goldwatch: my texts, my wrong numbers, my eBay, my email, photos, you get it."


08.00: I wake up next to Jessica and Taco every morning. I usually reflect and snuggle with my hairless mystical four legged friend, and swing through all my emails and catch up on anything I may have missed in the last few...... Let's begin.


08.15: Instagram inspires me always. There’s a head tattoo on my radar that I haven't gotten done yet, but I think it looks something like this....


10.00: Any emails worth noting? Well, apparently Paris Jackson is supporting our last video...


11.15: This of course leads me to Twitter which I love at least as much as Instagram.


11.16: Even better is the response, though.


15.00: It goes without saying my friends are amazing human beings.


15.25: Sat in a cold dark room, waiting on a 5.1 mix and thought I should share some eBay items I'm lurking on.


17.15: Keeping it moving, heading back down town.


18.37: Last but not least, I get that box from [graffiti artist] Spanto.


19.00: Threw on the hoodie and took a beer to the roof to thank the sun for another brilliant effort. And to bow tie this strange intimate experience with all of you.


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