
What’s the best ad campaign you’ve seen recently?

My favourite ever ad is The Bear by BETC Paris for Canal+; such a simple thought and a brilliant storyline [below].



Recently, the Kronenbourg campaign, A Taste Supreme, has been incredibly powerful. The most recent Cantona/Alsatians ads are growing on me but the original campaign celebrating the hop farmers of Alsace gets better every time you watch it – again, a really simple idea executed brilliantly.


What website(s) do you use most regularly and why?

Imperica’s WebCurios is a must-read on a Friday if you’re interested in internet culture. I’m also a fan of Nautilus, Stratechery, Things Magazine and Hello You Creatives because all of these expand my knowledge and enable me to build knowledge that goes beyond the superficial.

I also have a soft spot for Richard Weston’s Acejet170 blog – who doesn’t like good design? aint too bad either!



What’s the most recent piece of tech that you’ve bought and why?

A top of the range Citronella anti-barking collar [above] for our spaniel pup Otis, who is obsessed with barking (loudly) at sunlight and shadows in the garde; the re-instatement of North Devon peace and tranquility is priceless.

There is also the added comedy value of listening to the noises that he has created that are not barks and don’t set the ‘zapper’ off.


What’s the last item – tech or otherwise – you bought that improved your life?

Dave Trott’s book, One Plus One Equals Three [above], is a must read for any creative thinker; the story about the seal pups is brilliant!

I have also bought a new pair of Sanders + Sanders Japan Snuff Suede Chukka boots, which are the most comfortable shoes in the world and made by a classic British shoemaker.


Facebook, Instagram or Twitter?

Each has its own merits, but I’d pick Twitter as it really can’t be beaten for real-time communication. Want to know something? Go to Twitter. Instagram is great for visual stimulation but I think the algorithmic changes have somewhat killed the experience.



What’s your favourite app on your phone and why?

I’m really into messaging apps, so Telegram and WhatsApp probably get used a lot more than most, after Twitter and email. The bots that are being created on these platforms are being used in interesting ways; for commerce, customer service and sales, etc. I expect to see more of these.

Also, Spotify [above] is used a lot, mostly for the Discover Weekly playlist, which is the first music platform to really understand what audiophiles want.


What’s your favourite TV show and why?

Recently I have been watching every episode of The Office (again). The casting and writing is as good as we will ever get. I like to think that there is a bit of David Brent [below] in all of us.

Jeff Stelling’s Soccer Saturday is compelling viewing because of the weekly unfolding drama and the chemistry of the guys in the studio and at the grounds. Finally, Curb Your Enthusiasm is genius and makes me regularly laugh out loud.



What film do you think everyone should have seen?

Somewhere by Sofia Coppola is a fantastic piece of work [below], especially if you have a daughter. I thought the recent I Believe In Miracles was a masterpiece also.



Where were you when inspiration last struck?

I am blessed to be surrounded by incredible creative talent every day so I am constantly inspired by creativity on a myriad of levels. The simplest piece of writing, the biggest pitch-winning idea or a piece of brilliant design constantly put a yard in my stride; six nominations for The Chip Shop Awards from one creative department tells its own story.


What’s the most significant change you’ve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it?

I have a passion for nurturing young and breaking talent. Today, that talent no longer fear authority, or titles, or layers of seniority; a good idea is a good idea, and I cherish this.

This modernity in approach has also meant, unfortunately, that ‘old fashioned’ standards and attention to detail such as time-keeping have become less ‘feared’ and I know that these slips drive myself and my industry peers to distraction. It's an ongoing trend/issue that saddens me.



If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

I would create a thousand Scott Knox’s from the MAA and put them in charge of every pitch across the industry.

This would deliver an ever-level playing field, transparency and would ensure that the best creative work would see the light of day on merit.

This would reduce ‘tyre kicking’ by certain brands and unfair pitching processes/situations that cause an incredible amount of internal harm and stress to lots of decent agencies.


Tell us one thing about yourself that most people won’t know…

I am the most superstitous person you will ever meet!

Don’t put new shoes on a table... throw spilled salt over your shoulder... see a penny pick it up... black cats crossing your path... Mr. Magpie...  its endless, bloody exhausting and all my Nan’s fault!


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