
Morning stroll down the Croisette before the hoardes hit.


Remember when 2000 was a signifier for futuristic?


I secretly hope this is a frustrated art director who could not find a pad and pen.


This local just won best dressed at Cannes.


This beardy guy got me to say hello mexicanbeard club. I blame my generic beard face.


So great to see our Mill 6x9 Guardian collaboration in the Speakers lounge.


Pre talk last minute tweaks. The ankle sofa crop look was accidental I promise. Hipster curse.


The talk I gave was on the chaotic nature of our industry. SNAFU -  situation normal all f***** up.


That's my post talk Aperol spritz. Well done Me. Good decisions.


Caught the tail end of Chris Milk and its NY Times VR piece on refugees. Great to see this category growing with some strong stories.


The real Cannes.


Respect the sun. It has a different wattage lightbulb here. You will burn.


Met up with a Mill brother from the NY fraternity, ECD Rama Allen, check out his Strata talk on Wednesday morning.

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