
Every day is take your dog to work day for Absolute Post's MD Dan Bennett, whose furry four-legged friend accompanies him all the way from Tooting to the post house's Soho offices and back again. But does Baxter share his master's coffee snobbery, Vietnamese roll addiction, and delusions of Oscars grandeur? 


06.45: Baxter and I hit Tooting Common on the way to work


08.00: A confession. I have a plastic Oscar on my desk. It's been there for months, I don’t know where it came from, I don’t think I like it, but I haven’t moved it either… what does that say about me?


09.30: I’m from Melbourne, which makes me a massive coffee snob. TAP do the best coffee for coffee snobs in Soho… It’s also a great venue for pet portraits.  


11.00: Meeting up with the lovely folks at Ink Factory Films.


12.30: Pit stop at Keu for lunch on the way back - I’m an addict.


14.00: New York are awake - I’m on a conference call with Blind Pig and Sesame Street - this could be fun! (I’ve also just discovered that I can’t keep a straight face on a call while being photographed). 


15.30: Tuesday afternoons are all about the Absolute Production Academy. Meet Kate, our latest recruit.


16.30: Meeting rooms are full this afternoon - we’ve had to seek a new venue for the Blind Pig status meeting… it could be worse.


18.00: Heading home...


19.00: ...For some family time.

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