
Fairy – Grey Makes Fairy Very Fair

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We’ve got the vote, we make up almost half of the nation’s workforce and yet in 2016, we’re still not as progressive as we may think here in the UK.

Following International Women’s Day two days ago, it seems we still have a little while to go until gender roles become balanced.

In a new campaign for Fairy, Grey ran an experiment to find out who does most of the housework and perhaps, unsurprisingly women topped the chart.

They found that the average British woman spends 117 minutes more minutes on housework than men – although some of the male partners featured in the video do dispute this…

To challenge our expectations of gender, Fairy has unveiled a new label for its bottle, dropping the ‘y’ - to become fair instead.

Why? To help spread the housework load and hopefully challenge gender stereotypes once and for all. No excuses now boys! 

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