
It was the week the world went into mourning after music legend David Bowie died from cancer.

After the announcement was made public on Monday, the internet was inundated with musical and cultural references channelling the impact the 69-year-old musical chameleon had on the world.

So, to commemorate the Starman entertainer, Belgian music station Studio Brussel and MIRA Public Observatory – together with DDB Brussels – have dedicated a lightning bolt-shaped constellation to the performer (below), a tribute to his iconic 1973 Aladdin Sane album cover.



A total of seven stars make up the outline – which will be added among the existing 88 constellations.

"It was not easy to determine the appropriate stars," says MIRA’s Philippe Mollet. "Studio Brussels asked us to give Bowie a unique place in the galaxy.”

Developed by Google Sky, fans can also honour Bowie’s musical contributions by accessing his personalised constellation here, selecting one of 69 tracks and leaving star-shaped messages for the singer.

The heavenly tribute allows fans to feel connected to the star – who’s affinity with the universe was well documented.

Although his sense of humour, eclectic style and memorable quotes have resurfaced in the past few days, we thought we'd leave you with one that we felt was particularly fitting for the popstar:

‘I’m an instant star. Just add water and stir.’

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