
Matt Lever has been a creative at UK agencies including DLKW Lowe and Dare before moving to W+K Portland in 2013. After two years in the US, working on campaigns for clients such as Facebook, Old Spice and Coca-Cola, Lever returned to the UK in June to become creative director at VCCP London.

Here he reveals why moving abroad to work is highly recommended, why you really have to watch Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps and how you should never, ever, buy him a copy of Frozen.

s the best ad campaign youve seen recently?

Hostelworld's Youth Hostelling with Chris Eubank was great (let's hope it makes it to a full series). And the Oasis outdoor campaign [below] was funny and refreshingly well written (pun unintended).


What website(s) do you use most regularly and why?

The Guardian (hummus recipes and a realtime rundown on global human rights issues – what’s not to like?); Sitcom Geek (if I read it enough my sitcom WILL be commissioned) and (because I’m an absolute glutton for punishment).

Whats the most recent piece of tech that youve bought and why?

An electric tabletop courgette spiralizer. Why? Well, have you ever tried spiralizing a courgette by hand?


Whats your favoured social media platform?

Instagram (matt.lever).

Whats your favourite app on your phone?

The Podcasts app. I'm currently hooked on The Comedian’s Comedian podcast – it’s essentially Inside the Actor’s Studio but with Stand Ups. Really interesting. Start with the people you’ve heard of and go from there.


Whats your favourite TV show and why?

The original UK version of The Office is by far and away my favourite TV show of all time. For me, everything about it is perfect. The writing is amazing. The performances are exquisite. It's so quotable (but doesn't play for catchphrases). I probably watch a bit of it every day. To be honest, I don't really trust people who don't like it.


What film do you think everyone should have seen and why?

Nutty Professor 2: The Klumps. Eddie Murphy plays practically every part. It’s a tour de force. Oh and Kramer vs Kramer (breakfast scenes), When Harry Met Sally (script), Superbad (for the “Iron Chef” line) and The Naked Gun (every frame).

Although to be honest, with two girls under three I could have said any film apart from Frozen. Seriously, if I have to sit through that film one more time, I’m going to gouge out my own eyes with an ice cream scoop. Which would be a mildly-ironic and semi-oblique Frozen reference, when you think about it.


Where were you when inspiration last struck?

I had a really good/slightly macabre idea for a new product the other day on an EasyJet flight back from a client meeting in Gibraltar.

Whats the most significant change youve witnessed in the industry since you started working in it?

The quality of the writing has declined to an alarming degree in British advertising.

What or who has most influenced your career and why?

Going to live and work in Portland changed everything. Working abroad shifts your view and exposes you to so much, both culturally and professionally. I would thoroughly recommend it. And if you can go to a really brilliant agency, then so much the better.

In terms of “who” – Sean Doyle and Dave Dye, Paul Silburn, Trev, Danny Brooke-Taylor, Jason Bagley and Craig Allen. Work for the best people and you’ll get better.

If there was one thing you could change about the advertising industry, what would it be?

I’d probably relocate VCCP Towers to within a five-minute walk of my house.

Tell us one thing about yourself that most people wont know.

I once went to Lampeter with Richard Blackwood on my arm.


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