
When it comes to the power of imagination, kids can run rings round the most senior of creatives. It's no surprise, then, that AMV BBDO have opted to present their latest campaign for the Museum of Childhood from the colourful perspective of a child, encouraging everyone to take a fresh look at familiar surroundings. 


Entitled See the world through a child’s eyes, the 'urban guerrilla' campaign saw the creative team scour the less-than-leafy London borough of Tower Hamlets for everyday objects which could be reinterpreted in a more creative way, from a streetlight becoming an astronaut's helmet, to a fountain transforming into a whale's blowhole and a drain becoming a fire engine. 


A nine-strong collective of street artists including Martha Orzel, Greg Abbot, Kate Sutton, Rob Flowers, Paul Pateman, Serge Seidlitz, Mick Marston, Andrew Rae and Sergio Mora were enlisted to bring the ideas to life, by applying vinyls to 20 different sites around the area. With a poster campaign set to launch over the coming weeks, you can check out the art in situ via a map on the campaign microsite




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