
A new holiday campaign from CP+B Boulder has launched for Fruit of the Loom around the traditional, yet often awkward ritual of giving the gift of underwear.

Underwear as a gift is intimate, given only by those who love you and the work – which includes online video content led by a spot as well as a mobile game – deals with the awkwardness of offering the present to the wrong person.

The mobile aspect of the campaign, in which you will see a series of characters and can decide who you should and should not give underwear to this Christmas, will appear on Spotify and Pandora and there is also a similarly themed quiz featured on the Fruit of the Loom website.

Some of the people addressed in the campaign in addition to the traditional family include a policeman, a postman and a Scottish bagpipe player.

The brand previously released an amusing campaign in line with April Fools’ Day earlier this year that saw it plugging a unique Undie Iron product which removes creases from your underwear.

The latest spot, below, is directed by Peter Martin via Imperial Woodpecker.

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