
Executive producer at London-based editorial company, Work, Jane Dilworth heads up a stable of top talent such as Rich Orrick, Bill Smedley and Art Jones, as well as championing a new breed of female editors including Rachael Spann and Anne Perri. Announcing a second office in East London towards the end of last year the company continues to grow and turned out a steady flow of high standard spots through 2013.

Below, the EP tells how she’d like more courageous campaigns with faith and trust in the original idea, states why the World Cup is an event to savour and looks forward to her youngsters flying the nest this year.

What are your predictions for the industry in general in 2014?

Content will be seen as content in a sense that digital is no longer separate from the main; the two sides will converge as one with an increase in integrated and experiential campaigns.

What would you most like to see happen in advertising over the next 12 months?

More courageous advertising, bolder scripts etc. and less purely functional ads. Creativity for creativity’s sake with more integrated brand campaigns.

What are you most looking forward to personally over the next year?

My kids leaving home!

What will you do differently this year that you didn’t last?

Expand further in the US and grow the talent from within.

What media/technology/platform/campaign do you think will shine this year?

Again, integrated and experiential campaigns. These are great because it gives everyone a chance to work on them, especially allowing younger talent to shine through on some of the elements.

What effect do you think this year’s World Cup will have on the industry?

Towards the end of May it will go crazy. There’ll be an influx of World Cup-themed ads which is quite nice as it helps create World Cup fever and a boost as it only happens every four years, unlike the Super Bowl.

Where will you go on holiday this year and why?

Probably to France to see my dad with the kids. We do it every year, so it’s tradition.

What’s your New Year’s resolution workwise or other and do you think you’ll stick to it?

I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions. I don’t like creating things you can fail at.

If you had one hope or request from the client side this year, what would it be?

Faith and trust in the creative process and trust in the original idea.

And if you had a piece of advice for the creative industry in 2014 what would it be?

Be bold and take risks. People are more open than you think.

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