
Adding some Magic & Sparkle to Marks & Spencer’s recent Christmas campaign, Dom Freeman believes last year was a good year for business and creative output. But now the fairy lights and tinsel have been boxed away in the attic for another 12 months, what are his thoughts on life beyond Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and David Gandy?

Here he kicks off a new series of projection pieces for January by sharing his industry predictions, thoughts on World Cup budgets and dreams of a perfect physique.

What are your predictions for the industry in general in 2014?

I think we’re going to see a lot of clients embracing longer format films for the internet and using the internet as a medium more regularly, then cutting the content down for TV. It used to be a lot of high end luxury brands creating launch films in this way but now it seems to be everyone. Just take the rise in popularity of Nowness as an example. All clients are using social media as a serious platform and a way of engaging with the consumer.

And what would you most like to see happen in advertising over the next 12 months?

Some strong narrative ideas for advertising, whatever the format. To keep pushing the boundaries more and more as we come out of a tough period of recession. To have a positive creative presence and environment within which to work.

What are you most looking forward to personally over the next year?

I’m really looking forward to a shoot in the Turks and Caicos Islands with an uber supermodel. I would say who but I signed an NDA – more of that, please!

What will you do this year that you didn’t last?

I wouldn’t do too much differently because last year was great and we seem to be moving in the right direction. We’re working on launching our social media platforms, so engaging with the industry and our clients in a new way, I guess.

What media/technology/platform/campaign do you think will shine this year?

Having done one of the big Christmas campaigns for a British retailer recently and seeing the competition between the clients and agencies (and knowing that some of them have already started working on this year’s campaigns), I’m looking forward to seeing what comes out. My God, are we already talking Christmas in January?!

What effect do you think this year’s World Cup will have on the industry?

Not a huge amount this year because most of the clients advertising in the World Cup were doing it all last year and the spend would have come out of 2013’s budget. A lot of clients will have spent big so this year’s budgets may be reduced.

Where will you go on holiday this year and why?

Spain, because I always do as my son loves the swimming pool there and because Daddy’s going to the Turks and Caicos Islands on a shoot…

What’s your new year’s resolution workwise or other and do you think you’ll stick to it?

My NY resolution is to try and become healthy and get my physique back to resemble a photo I found of me 14 years ago. Will I stick to it? No. I’ll remain a fat balding bastard!

If you had one hope or request from the client side this year, what would it be?

That they will actually give production more pre-production time which will mean that they then don’t spend more money than necessary at the back-end.

And if you had a piece of advice for the creative industry in 2014 what would it be?

Keep your chin up. Or in my case, because I won’t be sticking to my health regime, chins.

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