
With the dust settling after this week's New Year celebrations and the holiday season coming to an end, Mill+’s executive director, Stephen Venning, reflects and looks forward in this insightful piece of comment from the London-based talent.

Having moved to London to head up the studio in 2013, this year hopes of a financial boost to the UK industry, braver creativity and a good World Cup year are on the horizon.

How would you describe 2013 for the industry, creatively speaking?

Honestly, I don’t think it’s been a vintage year creatively, I often think that the pre-World Cup year is a little bit flat. I’m ready for the excitement to begin in 2014! There has, however, been some great animation pieces this year, particularly Nexus’s Honda Hands spot and I loved Polynoid’s Nike Hypervenom Deadly Breed commercial. These are really inspirational for me when I think about the work we want to do out of Mill+.

And what about your own creative performance in the last 12 months?

I think my personal achievement creatively over the past year was EPing on the Call of Duty Ghosts Cinematics project we did for Infinity Ward and Activision Blizzard. I think it was a turning point for The Mill in terms of design and the CG department working side by side. Crazy to think the team created 17 cinematics in about 10 weeks to such a high standard.

What do you think your own best personal achievement was in 2013?

I was asked to lead Mill+ as the executive director, which is hugely exciting. The Mill has put together a very talented design, creative director and animation team and to be asked to lead the strategy across the group is a challenge I’m honoured to take on and help propel Mill+ to the next level.

What are you most excited about for 2014?

As I said, World Cup years always get the best out of the industry, be it advertising-related to the tournament itself or advertising trying to stand out around it. I’m also personally excited by The Mill in London’s studio moving to a new space on Windmill Street. London has been at its office for nearly 25 years, so to move and refresh in a bespoke built studio is very exciting.

And what are your predictions for the industry in general in 2014?

Like everyone I’m hoping the UK gets a bounce from the economy and the creative floodgates open. I think we’ll see a far braver industry and more creative ideas being made.   

Which campaign or piece of work will you remember from last year?

I want to say Honda Swarm, but I can’t forget Jean-Claude Van Damme’s epic splits in the recent Volvo campaign.

How did you spend your time off over Christmas?

Time with my wife and children. I’ve spent a lot of time travelling this year, particularly between LA and London, so just hanging out with the people that really matter is very important to me.

What’s your New Year’s resolution workwise or other?

Read more. Every time I finish a book I think that was amazing, and yet I get so distracted by my phone, Instagram, TV etc., so 2014 is a read more books year for me!
