
David or Jaime, Jeff or Gina - whoever, we're just loving their work. Here they tell Danny Edwards about finding the line between good taste and trash and getting real with the non-real

The photography partnership that is Jeff orGina contains precisely zero people called Jeff or Gina.

A collaborative project between Peruvian Jaime Travezan and Italian David Tortora, the name Jeff orGina was born after the pair read an interview with the 50s actress-turned-sculptor Gina Lollobrigida, in which the interviewer was trying to define the actress' art; "it's Jeff Koons without the irony," he claimed.

Travezan and Tortora loved the statement and used it to their own device. "[The quote] became an instant hit," the pair say, "and made Jeff orGina the perfect parameter for defining everything that sits on that fine line between good and bad taste. We aim for our style to sit very close to that fine line… remaining on the 'Jeff' side."

Travezan began his career as a photo journalist before moving to Europe where his interests leaned towards fashion and portraiture. Meanwhile, Tortora actually started his professional life as an architect and then worked for several years as a digital designer but has, more recently, focused on image manipulation and creative retouching.

The pair's work is a highly stylised, colourful and sometimes kitsch foray into the world of fashion. They describe their output variously as 'anti-minimal', 'visually rich' and 'realistic but categorically non-real'. "The projects that we are attracted to are the ones that allow us to play with our creativity and skills," they say. "Where image manipulation is not meant to fix or hide but is an integral part of the creative process."
