Dubai based VIP Films has put their efforts into 3 different films for Riyadh Bank during the last month, doing their part in keeping the advertising film industry moving steadily ahead.
The first two films done for Riyadh Bank in relation to their Covid-19 awareness communication were some of the first productions of its kind done in the region.
Shooting remotely and delivering the films within 4 days from go ahead they speak of the courage, adaptability and partnership a production house like VIP Films needs to keep pushing ahead during this challenging time.
Riyad Bank – Together We Get Past The Crisis
Riyad Bank – Our Strength Lies In Cohesion
The third film was also directed and shot remotely and required even more technical skill and precise planning to execute it correctly.
The post production the film relies on was also achieved remotely and again within a tight timeframe.
While the result speaks of the type of work one could easily have expected under normal circumstances, the added constraints of having to produce and direct from one’s home bares testament to a formidable team working towards the same goal.
powered by- Agency In-House
- Production Company VIP Films/Dubai
- Director Henri Barges
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powered by- Agency In-House
- Production Company VIP Films/Dubai
- Director Henri Barges
- Executive Producer Rafic Tamba
- Producer Martha Nassar
- Line Producer Jana Barnard

powered by- Agency In-House
- Production Company VIP Films/Dubai
- Director Henri Barges
- Executive Producer Rafic Tamba
- Producer Martha Nassar
- Line Producer Jana Barnard