
Wild & Precious is a campaign focused on raising awareness around how women are disproportionately impacted by dementia. 

2 out of 3 people with dementia are women. At the same time, women are also more likely to find themselves providing unpaid care for a loved one with the condition. Another area where the gender health gap hits women hard.

Partnering with UK Dementia Research Institute, Wongdoody spoke to women who experience dementia in different ways including living with the condition, caring for someone, or having a loved one with the illness.

Greatcoat Films focused on their cherished memories as they shared stories, that one day dementia may take from them. To honour our contributors, these memories are stored in the blockchain so they will never fade, never be forgotten and never disappear.

For people to share in these memories Wongdoody created which is home to our Museum of Memories that features 4D photorealistic experiences bringing these stories to life alongside short documentaries directed Liz Unna.
