
As a collective of creative minds working in advertising, music videos, entertainment and original content, Statement is a new company dedicated to crafting compelling visual experiences with cutting edge technology and impeccable client care. 

Made up of a small team of talented (mostly female) specialists, Statement offers creative direction, editorial, colour, vfx, motion design and 2D/CG animation. 

A cloud-based operation allows them to work remotely as required, limiting their carbon footprint and promoting a strong sustainability ambition.

Joining forces with Twentyfour Seven, Statement Co-Founder and MD Joan Amat, says:  “We believe in the power of storytelling through visual excellence.  Our team of talented artists and technicians is committed to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, delivering top notch post-production services that bring stories to life with unparalleled creativity and precision.  Our mission is to provide exceptional quality, innovative solutions, and a seamless experience for our clients, helping them to make their boldest statements through their work.

We’re looking forward to touching base in the Spanish market but also expanding our work into other countries in the coming years — of course Twentyfour Seven has established offices internationally and we plan to expand in the same way. We are also aiming to move beyond commercials toward working on episodic and film projects in the future”
