
The APA Collection 2013
Last Thursday evening, over 800 members of the British advertising community descended on One Marylebone for an evening of revelry and celebration, as the APA Collection 2013 was premiered. Sponsored by SourceEcreative, the Collection is a showcase of the best British-made advertising of the past year.

As is the norm, 2013's Collection showed off a terrifyingly high standard of commercials and branded content, all produced by APA's member companies. The evening saw APA Chief Exec Steve Davies take to the stage to introduce the films, prefaced by a delightful intro from Partizan director (and former entry on The Scout) James Curran. The showcase then went through the cream of the UK crop, including such award-winners as Benito Montorio's powerful 'Helpless' and Tom Tagholm's inimitable 'Meet The Superhumans'.  

SourceEcreative members can see the FULL SHOWCASE (including credits) here. You can also find out a little more about a few pieces in the Collection with some interviews from the archives:
British Army 'Boots' – HLA Interview
Department of Health 'Mutations' – Dare Interview
Robinsons 'Pals' – Academy Interview
Samsung 'King of TV' – MPC Interview
Virgin Atlantic 'Flying In The Face Of Ordinary' – RKCR Interview
Vodafone 'The Kiss' – Grey Interview
Jaguar 'Desire' – RSA Video Interview
After the premiere, the party continued with good food, plenty to drink and pleasant company until the small hours. We've posted a few photos below, but if you want to see why the entire UK industry were hungover on Friday morning, point your browsers at the APA website.


Posted on 9th September 2013
