
The Super Bowl of Advertising

Deb Mayo
05 February 2007 

If it were all about the sport, we'd be asking "how 'bout that game?" But at SourceEcreative it's about the Game of Advertising, so let us assure you that you've come to the right place.

Post Super Bowl is now upon us - and with it comes the reverberating question from coast to coast, water coolers and lunchrooms alike: "How did the commercials, which mean as much to the advertisers as the game does to the players, fare this year?" With an average 30-second spot weighing in at $2.6 million, up from last year’s price tag of $2.5 million, who walked away with a Super Bowl ring, and who’s spending this post-game time massaging away the aches and pains of an ill conceived ad or slogan? 

The tagline may be "Are you ready for some football?" but take note that here at SourceEcreative we’ve patented the phrase "Are you ready for some spots?" With that said, the grouping is with credits.

So without much further ado - you make the call on the most effective or memorable ads. Hey, ‘tis time to check out the commercials!  Make sure you're logged in and click on the link below.  Enjoy!

Super Bowl XVI - Game Day 2007
