
Source Creative’s fourth screening visit to LA was our biggest EVER! Over 200 members of the West Coast’s AdLand joined us for the first of our 2017 run of Presents screenings, returning again to the magnificent Aero Theatre in Santa Monica.

Showcasing a custom-curated playlist of films, Source Editor Jamie Madge took to the stage to introduce a handful of the brightest unsigned talents looking to make a mark in the industry. Amongst the favourites of the night were Henry Kaplan’s frantic ‘We Together’, Winston and Aaron Tao (aka TwinTaoers)’s haunting ‘Before The Fall’ and Sebastian Linda’s wonderful ‘Fingers of Steel’. 

The event then headed on to the incredible offices of after-party sponsors Margarita Mix who, along with the excellent DJs of MassiveMusic, gave the perfect setting to discuss the films and do a bit of schmoozing.

As always, you can check out the full list of the films screened on our Slate here (and with full credits, for members, here). If you want to see what you missed, or to tag your pretty face if you were there, check out our Facebook album of snaps.
