
Bullion Productionsfinally announce that London based Photographer/Filmmaker, Simon Frederick has joined their commercials roster. 

A globally recognised talent, Frederick is one of the UK’s most exciting multidisciplinary artists. His rich and striking films explores society, culture and human nature. Fredericks award-winning documentary series Black is the New Black (2016) and They've Gotta Have Us (2018), features some of the most notable black artists and public figures of today. 

Simon Frederick was profiled as one of 2018's 100 "Most Influential Black Britons" in the category of Media, Publishing and Entertainment. 

Directors Rep, Chris Baker is filled with excitement “We couldn’t be more thrilled to have Simon with us. His voice is unique, his work is striking. He is a perfect fit with the talent Bullion has been growing these past few years and there is so much more to come.”
