Saatchi & Saatchi let the snap out of the box
Completing our shots Out of the Box speaker line-up, Franki Goodwin and Jess Ringshall from Saatchi & Saatchi join the John Lewis Partnership's Emma Wood and Wake The Town's Dominic Bastyra on stage to discuss making the most anticipated Christmas ad of the season.
Ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of the creative team, concepting the UK's most anticipated ad of the year?
Well, whilst we can't (legally) sneak cameras into that stressful situation, we can offer the next best thing as part of our shots Out of the Box day event: Saatchi & Saatchi and the John Lewis Partnership offering up an account of the journey to Snapper, this year's festive offering.
Presented as a panel discussion, chaired by shots, Franki Goodwin and Jess Ringshall from Saatchi & Saatchi will join the John Lewis Partnership's Emma Wood and Wake The Town's Dominic Bastyra on stage to talk through the tricky process of maintaining a well-loved Christmas staple whilst adding the expected flair of a new account win.

Above: Edgar Wright and Chaka Sobhani.
The Anatomy of an Ad: Snapper session completes the line-up for what is to be a day of unrivalled creative inspiration, taking place at The Londoner in Leicester Square between 10am and 3(ish)pm on Wednesday 22nd November.
Other sessions include Moxie Pictures director Edgar Wright joining Leo Burnett's Global CCO Chaka Sobhani for an interview full of creative insights and production titbits from two of the UK's most original minds.
That joins a panel discussion featuring heads of production from four of the UK's most creative agencies; TBWA's Melody Sylvester, Uncommon's Charlie Gatsky Sinclair, Creature's Kristie Girvan and Maxine Hose of Grey. Chaired by director and former agency producer Ed Sayers, the panel will discuss, among other things, post-Covid working practices, the pros and cons of pitches and bids, and how new technology is impacting the business.
In their presentation, Does not compute: Staying human in an AI world, Private Island's Chris Boyle and Helen Power will examine how artificial intelligence can be used to empower how we tell stories. They will take Pixar's mantra, 'the art challenges the technology, and the technology inspires the art', to unpick what AI means to us today and how we can best use it.
Above [Left-right]: Charlie Gatsky Sinclair, Kristie Girvan, Maxine Hose, Melody Sylvester, shots Culture Editor Amy Kean and AI supremos Private Island (aka Chris Boyle and Helen Power)
We also have Amy Kean, shots's own Culture Editor, and the CEO and Creative Director of Good Shout, giving a presentation titled Weirdness and the magic of bad ideas. With formulas, data and optimisation ruining the creative industries, Kean believes we are facing a 'normality crisis' in which everyone's starting to talk, act and sound the same, in order to gain mass approval. But, she will be asking, where's the weirdness? Where are the renegade voices, driven by being different?
The session will talk about the science of weirdness and why creatives need to get more comfortable with being disliked, especially in the era of social media. From a culture perspective, she will also discuss why bad ideas are actually the best ideas you can have.