
After the holiday season people tend to be a especially health conscious as they embark on a new year. So, Red Robin is offering diners the option to have any burger ‘Wedgie Style’ (replacing the bun with lettuce). Red Robin is also introducing a new burger specific to this occasion: the Chicken Avocado Wedgie Burger.

To raise awareness of the bunless offering, Red Robin and KBS tied their efforts into another bun that should be lost in the New Year: the man-bun.
While men across America may love their man-bun…the rest of us love to make fun of it. #LOSETHEBUN gives consumers a reason to rally around the Wedgie Burger in a unique way and bond around a trend we all love to hate.

Social assest created for the campaign include social video depicting a variety of men with different types of man buns (the nub, the triple threat, etc) ultimately making the decision to #losethebun and go for the Red Robin Wedgie style burger. Although the subjects appear nervous initially, they are ultimately relieved and even freed by the decision to cut off their manbuns.

Facebook and Instagram posts promoting a number of menu options (including the Avocado Chicken Burger, and the Tavern Line all ‘Wedgie Style’) and encourage diners to make any burger bunless.
