
Nexus Interactive Arts with director Evan Boehm has created an augmented reality (AR) installation for Qualcomm, a world leader in 3G, 4G and next-generation wireless technologies, which launched at CES in Las Vegas, from 6th - 9th January 2016.

Qualcomm has connected the phone to the Internet and is now working to connect the Internet to everything. This continuation of the “Why Wait” campaign brings to life Qualcomm’s restless spirit to invent and share technologies at speed and scale. 

The Invisible Museum installation uses AR to reveal a digitally augmented 3D world that is symbolic of Qualcomm technology, which is often invisible to the naked eye.

Visitors are able to enter the museum, which is a completely white space with 6 white, 3ft plinths. Each plinth has a 3D printed object resting on them, such as a picture frame, a baseball diamond, a megaphone etc. Each of the 6 objects tells the story of how Qualcomm technologies work in different environments; a skyscraper represents Qualcomm’s smart city technologies, to a chess set that demonstrates its Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities.

Using an augmented reality app on a tablet, visitors can explore each plinth at their own pace. By looking at each printed object through the device, the viewer sees a digital scene come to life on the tablet, immersing visitors in a series of whimsical and colourful animated 3D worlds – a complete contrast to the white space of the real world installation.

To explore the technologies in more depth the digital augmentation includes yellow hotspots, which when pressed reveal further information on the products Qualcomm provides.

The App renders each scene in real-time at a frame-rate of 60 frames per second. As with all real-time graphics projects in AR (including VR also) the relationship with high-end graphics and a high frame rate is at the heart of the project. Interactive Arts has proudly pushed the boundaries of real-time aesthetics, creating some of the most impressive 3D scenes ever presented in AR.

Evan Boehm, Creative Director, Nexus Interactive Arts, says; “We are just hitting the second wave of AR, where processing power has finally caught up with the initial, magical promise of interactive visuals within a space. The installation marks what will be the start of some amazing and beautiful designs in the AR and VR spheres. Being part of the changes that are happening and being able to put my mark on it is incredible; I love every minute of it”
