
Production company Caviar London has announced that Mia Powell has joined as their new Head of New Business / Executive Producer. Hugely respected in her field, Powell lends her skills to nurture and champion talent to create award-winning work. 

Her previous tenure was at PRETTYBIRD as Head of Business and Strategy, where she was known for her forward-thinking approach and acute understanding of the directors’ roster. During her time there she was an integral part of its growth and success. Powell has also held roles at other esteemed companies, developing the commercial arm of Sir Steve McQueen’s production company Lammas Park as well as various roles within agencies, including MullenLowe and iris Worldwide.

Powell is a strong advocate for change and continues to champion marginalised and underrepresented voices, working with several initiatives such as the Common People, Shiny Awards, Brixton Finishing School, and ELAM.

Her transition to Caviar marks an exciting new chapter for the company. MD Sorcha Shepherd has this to say of the hiring “I’ve always admired Mia & felt she would be the perfect fit for us at Caviar. Her character and passion truly aligns with what we are about. We share a dedication to making creative, award winning work, nurturing our talent and doing it whilst creating an inclusive industry. I’m excited that Mia is going to be such an integral part of our continued growth as a company”

Powell’s passion lies in collaboration, working on projects to create boundary-breaking films across all platforms, including commercials, social media, music videos, brand-funded entertainment, and beyond, and is ready to find you the right director for your script.

Powell added: “It brings me so much joy to be joining this exceptional team! Coming from a background with strong ethics around representation in the industry, it felt like the perfect fit to join Sorcha and the team at Caviar. They are undeniably one of the leaders in creating organically rich and diverse work. Caviar is a staple figure in the production landscape, and I feel so inspired by the unique and expansive tapestry of directors and the spectrum of films they put out into the world. I can’t wait to help continue that legacy and be a part of its growth.”
