
Madheart Gets a Brainstorm, Adds Arnby

Director Jonas Arnby joins Madheart

Madheart, Los Angeles, has signed Director Jonas Arnby for exclusive representation in the United States.  The company will also serve as the US home for The Brainstormclub, the Munich-based creative collective that was co-founded by Arnby whose viral ads have sparked controversy and racked up top advertising awards across Europe.

The moves are part of a effort by Madheart, which also represents Director Jan Gleie, to grow its roster and ramp up its sales effort. The company plans to add more directing talent shortly and has appointed Catherine De Angelis as Head of Sales. De Angelis will also serve as Madheart's sales representative in the Midwest, through her company Hot Betty.

Madheart's Brainstorm collective in a thoughtful moment.

Arnby is a Danish-born, British-educated filmmaker who's worked with agencies across Europe and the US for such brands as Sprite, Harley-Davidson, Peugeot, Quiksilver, TDC Mobile and McDonald's. He's the recipient of numerous awards, including Clio, Cyber Lion, Creative Circle and Mobius honors. He's also directed several short films and music videos, and will direct his first feature next year.

"Jonas has a wonderful touch for comedy, and his work continues to impress and get better," says Madheart Executive Producer Lisa Phillips. "The opportunity to also represent The Brainstormclub is a huge bonus. They have a special genius for guerilla marketing, and can be a tremendous resource for brands that are looking for fresh, innovative creative thinking."

Award winning BMW viral.

The Brainstormclub (check out their work here) is a collective of young filmmakers, advertising creatives, designers and artists that was founded in 2007 by Arnby, Managing Director Yves Peitzner, Creative Producer Hondo Raktkovic and Sales Director Dalibor Tomasevic. Its work for such brands as Sony Ericsson, BMW, Becks and HBO primarily consists of viral ads and other viral media, but it has also produced environmental advertising, broadcast commercials, music videos and even fine art installations.

The Brainstormclub won a Bronze Lion in Cannes last year for a viral BMW ad. The same ad took top honors at the Gold Award of Montreux for Best Use of Viral Media.

Published 1 June, 2011

