
Notoriously fun and high-energy directing duo,The Vortex, has created three similarly bright and catchy spots for powdered pain relief brand Goody's. Made in collaboration with FCB Chicago and Chromista, Get to Good is Goody's first national 360 campaign.

Far from the usual pain relief commercials emphasising discomfort, the campaign centres around three characters grabbing everything they can out of life and kicking their headaches to the curb. Visually sophisticated with an elevated taste palette, the spots are self-aware with a contemporary voice. The Vortex serves modern-day hustlers with a spot they can see themselves in, engaging would-be buyers in the highest-valued commodity in today's marketplace: authenticity. A vibrant sense of humour shines throughout the three films, giving each a distinctly youthful edge.

Goody's – Makeup Artist

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The spots follow a makeup artist, weekend warrior, and gamer who lead active lives and refuse to be slowed down by pain. We meet these characters at the first spark of pain, where unexpected camera angles reflect their discomfort. Then through a transformational montage featuring hard-flash photography in quick bursts, the narrative picks up following these modern-day hustlers with dynamic camera movement as they continue to dominate their days. Assisted with a wry voice-over narrative and unique auditory score, The Vortex, like the heroes of these eye-catching Goody’s ads, have gotten everything and more out of these fifteen seconds spots. 

Austin M. Kearns, half of the directing duo, says: “This project had two fun challenges. The first was to show our subjects having a bad time dealing with pain. We found some cool camera angles and movements to tell that story. And then, we were able to see our heroes get back to their lives with a series of quick, stylish cuts interspersed with Emiliano’s energetic hard flash photos”

Goody's – Gamer

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Emiliano Granado adds, “Yeah, the result is a fun visual balance of ‘OMG, this pain is ruining my day!’ and ‘Goody’s brought me back to life!”

Emiliano Granado and Austin M. Kearns joined forces in 2020, merging their successful individual careers -- Emiliano in photography and Austin in music video directing, to work together as a directorial team, collectively known as The Vortex.

Goody's – Weekend Warrior

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