
Music and sound house, Hook and Line Inc. known for their work for Adidas, G&E, and Volkswagen adds Bernardo Castro to their roster as senior producer.

“Bernardo is a brilliantly intuitive producer, as he’s not only an exceptional composer, but has worked on projects internationally for some years”, says Hook and Line’s owner Bryan Senti. “It’s hard to imagine a better producer to help shepherd the company during this period of exponential growth”. 

 “We formed a partnership with Free the Work during COVID and they invited us to a virtual post-production panel where I met Bernardo",  says Abby Diamond, Hook+Line’s Partner and Executive Producer. "I was immediately struck by how inquisitive, smart and engaged he is, and when he sent me his music afterward, I was blown away by his talent. We’re super excited to work with a seasoned composer and producer like Bernardo, who has immediately bolstered our trust by spearheading fast-moving projects with ease.”

Before joining H+L, Castro was an in-house composer and producer for the music production company Trafalgar 13 based out of Barcelona, Spain. He was also working independently on feature film, TV and video games for the likes of Disney and Xbox Studios. He’s a graduate of Berklee College of Music.

"Joining Hook and Line has been a very exciting step forward in my career, and it's been very humbling and rewarding to be working alongside such a talented and professional team. I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship with them", says Castro.

Hook and Line Inc. is also now being represented by the boutique sales outfit, Katrin + Katie. Katrin + Katie previously represented Search Party, and currently represent Union Editorial and Moxie Pictures

“Katie has been a personal friend of mine for years, and I’ve always had so much respect for both her and Katrin. We feel honored and lucky to be represented by these brilliant women”, remarks Diamond.

'We are thrilled to be a part of the Hook + Line family. We have been fans of their work for a long time and are excited to work with such dynamic, talented and genuinely good people. It feels like a perfect match!', says Katie Goldstein

Katrin + Katie collectively have over 30 years of experience in the business and have represented directors, editors and composers on a variety of Cannes and Emmy award winning projects. 
