
International Production company Hamlet announce the signing of NYC based Director, Scott Perry for representation in Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, China, Japan and South East Asia.

Perry's work crosses multi genres including documentary, music and fashion. His time spent directing documentaries on up-and-coming musicians allowed him to gain invaluable experience enabling him to put a spotlight on real stories.

With an empathetic directing style, Perry is at his happiest when telling authentic stories which require him to put himself in the shoes of his subject.

Co-founder & EP Jason Felstead said: “Scott has tremendous storytelling qualities but what really appeals to me is that he integrates a sense of reality in his stories and in his films. Scott’s work is quite different from anything we have on our roster and I’m looking forward to working with him.”

Perry added: “I've been a fan of Hamlet for quite some time, so the opportunity to join their roster is super exciting. I’m a huge fan of the amazing work they produce and the diverse range of brilliant filmmakers they represent. Hamlet will be the perfect home for me to continue learning and growing in my craft.

Perry has worked with clients such as Nike, Apple Music, Vogue, Amazon and Beats by Dre.
