
Great Guns director Omar Hilal airs his dirty laundry with his new cutting-edge film for washing detergent ‘El Kef’. 

Shot in Morocco, the film opens on a stormy night with sirens whirring in the background – the air thick with menace. As the story unfurls we are taken into a darkly lit house where three detectives arrive to investigate a crime.  The house is littered with stained clothing and a terrified woman… The tension mounts as the team of detectives’ stumble upon the horrifying crime scene - the open washing machine overflowing with soiled and sullied garments and the culprit nowhere to be found. 

Omar who is known for his brilliant comedic timing and talent for casting, yet again triumphs with this hilarious and innovative take on a washing powder commercial. Omar comments; "I'm very impressed with the courage of this client. A local detergent brand that embraces such an unorthodox idea, is admirable to say the least." He goes on to say; “the boundaries of middle eastern advertising just keep getting pushed. This isn't a communications client or a snack, it's a detergent!!" 

Needless to say the fact that Omar directed this film definitely adds a touch of magic to the whole production – something which hasn’t gone unnoticed in the advertising world, with Omar taking home Best of Show, 2 Golds and a Silver at the Gong 2015 Creative Circle Awards for his Tiger Beer SG50 campaign.
