
SMUGGLER director Jaron Albertin directs an intimate video about love and longing for connection in Bloodline for Finn Ronsdorf. 

Exploring the subject of virtual detachment, SMUGGLER director Albertin raises questions on themes such as communication and how we redefine ourselves in this modern world. Through the use of virtual face masks, Albertin incorporates his storytelling on human connection and emotion into the element of technology as he asks the audience, “In the face of longing for connection, how would you want the person you love to see you?”

The simplicity in Albertin’s visual language merges with the powerful performance from Finn Ronsdorf, as the film achieves to encapsulate a pure and intimate universe. The virtual face mask grows and takes over as the performance evolves, having Finn Ronsdorf transform into complete digital form. 

Finn Ronsdorf – Bloodline

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