
Award-winning filmmaker Michael Geoghegan is the latest addition to bring his talents to The Visionaires Roster

Michael Geoghegan started out his career directing music videos when MTV was still brand new. His iconic music videos for Pulp, Jesus Jones, Thomas Dolby, and Simple Minds would put Geoghegan on the map as one of the best directors around.

His career has seen him go on to create a portfolio of award-winning commercial work that has won him multiple Arrows, Cannes Lions and D&AD's not to mention his Brit Awards and a Grammy for his work in the Music world.

Geoghegan’s adaptive style has long been established and still carries through to each film he takes on. His award winning work for Greenpeace, Patek Phillippe, British Airways, Canon, Suzuki and Honda shows his agility in styles and sensibilities.

 His latest work for Greenpeace, titled Save The Arctic, is every bit cinematic as it is thought provoking.
