
The renowned French company, Birth, have secured Kate Elson to run their UK operations, alongside CEO and founder Hugo Legrand-Nathan and partners, Yohan Ungar, Tristan Beraud and Arthur Emorine

Birth UK has already achieved considerable success since opening its doors two years ago. They began their journey in 2019 with Agent Elson, and Kate's hiring cements their ongoing relationship.

“Birth are incredibly focused on the UK, offering exceptional global talent, committed to the market with a genuine desire to collaborate with agencies on the best creative work. Last year was a tremendous year despite the challenges, I am delighted to become a fully-fledged member of the family and help guide Birth to even greater success. The partners at Birth have an unwavering commitment to, and vision for the UK. Working with them is inspiring, rewarding and serious fun!” said Kate Elson, EP at Birth UK.

With credits under their belt including Gillette, Liptons, Philips, Nurofen and Asics and having worked with Adam and Eve DDB, Saatchi and Saatchi, McCann’s, Ogilvy (Hogarth) and Edelman, under Elson’s stewardship they are well positioned to take on 2021.

Birth’s commitment to the UK market is indeed reflected in the hiring of Elson, an experienced and respected creative champion of the industry and her appointment has already seen Birth UK sign young, diverse talent to its already impressive roster.

Once upon a time ... Kate Elson & Birth!

Going back almost two years, Kate first accompanied us as our agent in this city of London that we have loved so much for years and which has always fascinated us. She is our guide, our protector, and the one who knows how to make us better understand English culture, the world of production & agencies which is a little different in France. She developed us and presented us to agencies. We quickly recorded our first films, Kate has been there, always so dynamic, always so positive.

In the last five months of 2020, Birth UK safely produced six campaigns, with some of the most renowned agencies & managed to stay the course. At the start of 2021, reinforced by this mutual trust and shared journey, we decided to step up a gear and install Kate as head of the London office.

She meets our need for experience and knowledge of the market, but she also has that touch of madness and daring in her that fits in well with the philosophy of Birth!

We love our story with Kate and we look at 2021 with a great determination to develop our directors with the most beautiful advertising creations on the English market, but also on music videos. An important part of Birth's DNA is also based on investing in creative projects for good causes, because beyond Kate, beyond the story of Birth, it is quite obvious, it is our directors who are our strength, who offer a new experience for agencies wishing to try something different, supported by our solid production experience, adapted to the budget formats of our time.” says Hugo Legrand-Nathan, CEO and Founder at Birth.

Birth is ranked as # 3 in the French Production House league table and has won numerous awards, most notably in the last year which has seen a meteoric rise in the French market alongside the launch of both its stills division and of Birth LX, the luxury brand division which has already created numerous campaigns for Hermes as well as signing star photographer and director Christopher Anderson.

Birth has built its success from the grassroots up, relying on its ability to spot and develop new talent, and provide intelligent production solutions whatever the project and whatever the medium. Birth has established itself as a destination production house and a ‘go to’ for fresh talent.

Birth has offices in London, Paris and Algiers.
