
The film features Dads using Unilever’s Dove Dry Spray. 

As the product dries in an instant the Dads have free time - so can play with their own kids on set. The decision to feature real fathers and sons plays out naturally in the intimate performances captured by Harry George Hall. During these challenging times it’s all the more heart rendering to see families enjoying precious time together. 

Of his latest work Harry comments: "It was great to collaborate with Dove and Unilever again on this spot. Working with kids and their real Dad’s was super fun. I love letting casts come alive naturally, and I hope the paternal connection is palpable. For me, great advertising stands the test of time, and it’s amazing how relevant and personal this campaign has become during this strange time. The simple idea of a Father and son coming together to create emotive scenes of joy couldn’t be more apt at a time when some of us are sadly separated from loved ones. It makes me wanna give my Dad a hug!" 

The film was also cast by Fresh Film’s partner casting company Real People Casting.

Dove – Dry Spray

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