
After a standout collaboration for Hendrick’s Gin, written and directed by Harry Deadman, London’s Compulsory announces his signing to their diverse portfolio of talent.

Harry Deadman is a director and photographer with a bold grasp of colour, performance and humour, creating stylised films that celebrate the slightly absurd. His work balances between the worlds of comedy, drama and fashion and utilises styling, art direction and dynamic editing.

His latest commercial, and first collaboration with Compulsory, for Hendrick’s captured the joys of cucumbers for the premium gin brand, known for its quirky Victoriana sensibility. Harry shared creative responsibilities with the inhouse team, writing the narrative and collaborating with them to hit the well established tone of Hendrick’s. Cucumber Chronicles crafted a more youthful side to the brand by casting two unknown talents as wiley reporters, placing them in situ with Hendrick’s master distiller Lesley Gracey.

Described as set in ‘sun drenched British suburbia’, Deadman recently released his short film Step Aboard with the support of Kodak. The film follows a surreal cohort of colourful characters as they attempt to board a bus that may or may not actually be there.

Deadman said about the signing “I’m so so excited to be joining the Compulsory family! Since moving to London from Australia, I have been closely following various director’s on their roster. I absolutely adore their focus on vibrant visuals and unique ways of storytelling. Working alongside Compulsory on the Hendrick’s Cucumber Chronicles film was incredible as it felt like old friends reuniting. It just felt right. Having been independent for several years, I felt so comfortable with everyone and couldn’t help but think … well I guess, think “Simon Pegg ‘cheers’ meme”. It’s a vibe.”

Compulsory will be representing Harry Deadman for stills and film in Europe. 
