

This should bag all the Out of Home gongs going. Audacious. Simple. Iconic. And no need for the obligatory case study film.

Nike USA Caitlin Clark; This Was Never a Long Shot

Twenty-two-year-old Caitlin Clark broke one of the oldest records in college sports in the US, the all-time scoring leader in Division 1 NCAA basketball. Nike capitalised on the amazing feat with a response campaign in the athlete's collegiate hometown of Iowa. The two-faced campaign featured Clark in mid flight for one of her trademark three-pointers, and a looooong way down the street another board featuring a hoop and the immortal line, “This was never a long shot”. Brings new meaning to the classic basketball term 'from Downtown'.

McDonald’s Drip

A gloopy droplet oozing down a sweaty poster with the hint of a golden arch had us all salivating for a shake last summer. The jurors, basking in the heat of the South of France, will surely relate to this.

Uniqlo France Hug to Unlock

A fun experiential campaign in France to promote the Heattech brand from Uniqlo. The poster dispenses free products if people hug each other in front of the unit. The aim of the game? To warm bodies and hearts to promote and introduce the Heattech range of thermal garments.

Wonka global anamorphic campaign

This campaign included large-scale 3D anamorphic creative, such as clips of Wonka star Timothée Chalamet tipping his hat to passersby, in locations like New York City, Hong Kong, Changsha and Guangzhou. The custom shot footage was sent to 17 countries around the world and used in conjunction with several local activations to create content and a buzz around the film's launch. Spawning millions of views on TikTok and Instagram within hours of launch… including posts from Timothée himself.

Uber Trains Now on Uber

Mother keep the flag flying for brilliant writing. We never tire of seeing these, and the tone is pitch perfect.

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Liquid Death Super Bowl Billboard on the Case

What better way to crash the Super Bowl advertising party than to turn your own product into a billboard? The renegade brand, trying to “dethrone the Big Game as advertising’s biggest stage,” launched an auction on eBay, turning its cardboard packaging into a piece of media. They way they saw it, the base of their box was the perfect moving billboard!

Hiscox Mistakes

More outdoor brilliance from Uncommon. A campaign full of wit and bravery from a client and agency at the top of their game.

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Spider-Man 2 Truck

To celebrate the launch of one of the year’s most anticipated games, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, PlayStation Australia installed a truck dramatically suspended in webs to save it from a sticky situation. In true Spider-Man fashion, fans experienced an immersive world when visiting the event, with NPC characters and New York Bagels. What was nice about this OOH stunt, was how immersive they made it on the ground, with fake NYPD officers questioning people as they came to look at the web-suspended truck.
