
When was the last time you searched for something on the web and a day later every site you visit is flooded by advertisements with similar items that are nearby?

In our everyday life, our privacy is something we not only value but that goes without saying, this should also include the Internet. Nord VPN made it their mission to support with exactly that and provide a digital space where their customers can safely be themselves.

"When someone oversteps the boundaries of our personal space in real life we don‘t feel comfortable, because we want to decide for ourselves with whom we share something and who we allow getting close to us. But online, in most cases, we don‘t even know about it.“ said BRBR

NordVPN – NordVPN

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Data privacy is as important as it is personal, a philosophy BRBR's new spot for Nord VPN clearly embodies. Inspired by the common saying "if you’re not the customer you’re the product“, the spot starts off with friendly faces giving the viewer compliments that turn into invasive comments on personal matters that leave the uncomfortable feeling of being watched.

Showing the dark sides of web browsing and spotlighting the importance of protecting personal informations online, BRBR created a spot that is both beautiful and thrilling.
