
Like the Super Bowl in the States, Christmastime in the UK (and, rapidly, throughout Europe) marks the ‘blockbusters’ of the advertising year. With brands, agencies and production companies desperate to ‘win’ the season, budgets and metaphorical backs are broken in the pursuit of festive perfection.

Always wanting to provoke some good-hearted rivalry, we at Source have taken a look at all of the tinsel-tinged commercials and have cherry-picked a handful of the best to share the cheer.

H&M – Come Together

Perfectly symmetrical, theatrical framing – check. Exquisite art direction – check. Pained performance from kooky actor (this time Adrian Brody) – check. Yeah, even without the credits it’s pretty clear that the latest from H&M is a Wes Anderson joint. Telling a wonderfully offbeat tale of a train conductor’s makeshift Christmas, this 4-minute micro-movie incorporates so much of what’s loved about the filmmaker’s iconic style it’s not surprising that fans are already head-over-heels in love with it.

JOHN LEWIS - #BusterTheBoxer

John Lewis has become the Daddy of Christmas ads over the past few years, with the department store’s offering marking the start of the seasonal deluge regardless of what’s released before. This year’s film is something of a return to form, with the story of a dog who just wants to bounce on Christmas Day. Excellent VFX from MPC and Dougal Wilson’s always-great direction make this a feel-good treat for family members and pets alike!

WAITROSE – #HomeForChristmas

The robin, a perennial favourite of the festive season, forms the basis for Waitrose’s epic spot this year. Incorporating gloriously-shot locations by Rogue's Sam Brown, the film tells the story of a plucky red-breast journeying its way to a delicious mice pie (and a partner to share it with). What? No we’re not crying. SHUT UP, IT’S DUSTY IN HERE!


Less a commercial, more a short – RCRFilms emotional film realises the tale of an old lady who has a whole town conspiring to keep her dream real of having won the lottery. As mentioned in the intro, the Christmas ad is normally the mainstay of the UK market, but the past couple of years has seen wonderful pieces like this come out of Europe to give the Brits a run for their money. Gloriously scored and performed, with a delightful location shoot, this is a real delight.

ALDI - Kevin The Carrot

There’s two elements that make this spot a Chrimbo winner – John Willams’ glorious score from ‘Home Alone’ used to soundtrack it and the ace animation of the titular ‘Kevin’ by clever-heads Stink and Psyop. Telling the tale of a carrots perilous journey across the dinner table to meet Santa, the combo of nostalgic music and a bucket-load of charm makes this a real winter warmer.

HEATHROW AIRPORT - Coming Home for Christmas

As ‘Love, Actually’ firmly walloped around our head, the airport at Christmas is the place to be if you want to see joyful human interaction, so it’s hardly a surprise that this captivating spot for Heathrow creates some well-deserved smiles. Directed by Outsider’s always-good Dom & Nic, the seamless special effects don’t overshadow what is, in essence, a lovely heart-warming tale.

BELL’S - Early Christmas

Probably not the biggest-budget entry to this list, Bell’s pair of spots are guaranteed wins due to the utilisation of the peerless Steven Toast (comedy creation of Matt Berry). With his inimitable voice and cheerful distain of early festive ads, the commercials are certain to raise a smile from those in on the joke. Merry Christmas Clem Fandango.

If you want to see all of the Christmas 2016 spots in the Source archive with full credits, click here.
