
Chelsea Spensley was most recently brought on as Head of Production at Arts Academy in January to help build the burgeoning team. Based on her vast experience and working knowledge of post-production, EP was a natural and welcomed next step. 

“It’s a thrill to be a part of something where we’re all growing and building together, a true testament of a start up shop," says Spensley. “There’s something really gratifying and exciting about being a part of these creative decisions from the ground-level.”  

Hailing from previous tenure at Cosmo Street and beginnings at Arcade Edit, Spensley’s work on campaigns for brands including Apple, Nike, Gatorade, State Farm, Honda, AT&T, Cadillac, Michelob brings a wealth of experience in both post and finishing. As she continues as Executive Producer, she will help foster new partnerships, among production partners, brands, and talent alike.  

“At the core of our ethos are our people and the work. As we focus on this boutique culture and what it means for us as a company, there’s a warmth and approachability we embody. It’s an exciting time to join the ride with our team. We hope you’ll come and check us out,” says Spensley. 

Tommy Harden, Partner/Founder says, “From the moment Chelsea joined us, it was obvious to everyone that she was a natural leader and in a very short time she’d be ready to fill a much larger role. So this promotion to EP was anticipated and effortless. Chelsea could not be a better fit for this company, she’s an intuitive communicator, is highly committed to our people and process, and consistently sets us up for excellent work. She’s also unflappable! We’re amazed how she always remains calm, collected, and optimistic in the face of the constant demands we’re all familiar with in this industry. Needless to say, we’re incredibly fortunate to have her on our side!”
